Monday, November 2, 2009

Chesley and Big Sister Mia!

Gosh how they grow! I can't believe how big this little man has gotten!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby Sam

Welcome to the world Baby Sam! I got to try something new today and I'm so excited about it! This little fellow did wonderful, considering right when he'd get comfy, we'd move him. Sorry mom and dad that it's just enough to make you want to see more!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Please read...

Due to people canceling at the very last minute and whatnot, from this point on, I will need you to send your deposit in order to save your session time. You can do this by mailing it to me or paying via paypal. It's not fair to send the little man to daycare because I think I have a session, and then that person not show up. It's not fair to him or me and it's wasting my time and daycare fees that I wouldn't have normally had. The deposit for all sessions, unless otherwise stated, is $50.00 and this comes off your total due.
If you have any questions about this, please email or call me.

On a different note...I'm working really hard to get all cd's that are due out by the end of next week.

With all of that said, I'll leave you with this pretty little baby girl!

It's been busy...

Just a few from a few recent shoots. I'd upload more but the computer is being very slowww today.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Matti Caroline is on her way!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Slade's Session: What fun!!

This was such a fun session! But Slade is always fun! We went to a few different spots to get all of these and they all turned out great! Hope you guys like the preview!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Kimbrell's-FINALLY!

I'm sooo sorry that this took as long as it did! I know that you are anxiously waiting to see what they look like! They turned out great! And don't worry, even though you don't see them here, there are lots of different looks to them with the ole' vintage look! Should have you your cd by Saturday!

Little Memphis

This little guy was just awesome! So much fun! And mom and dad were so great, letting us do pretty much anything! There are sooo many great ones, but these are a few of my very favorite ones! Hope you guys like them as much as me!

Sweet Little Girls

Mom wanted to focus mainly on the new baby girl, but I wanted her to see some of her big girls too! They were so sweet with their baby sister: loving on her and acting like little mommies! All three did great and I hope you guys like your preview! Sorry it took so long! Should have your cd all finished up soon!


This preview is a little late, considering you all probably have your cd's by now, but still I wanted the little guys up on the blog. Thank you all for being so patient with me through what has been an awful last 6 weeks. I'll post an update after all my previews are up about how Daddy is!